Rescue vs breeder for a DS

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Just Whelped
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Rescue vs breeder for a DS

Post by Joker »

I am searching for a DS and landed on a breeder then started wondering about rescue since I have had good experiences with rescue in the past. I did not initially consider rescue for a DS because while I have had other strong willed dogs this will be my first DS and I do not want to adopt issues someone else created and end up with issues. Having said all that I see MAD Rescue has a little of 11 pups (they think DS/Mal mix with a DNA test pending) which being that young they should not have bad habits -- yet :)

Two questions for the more experienced DS folks out here
  • Is my concern about a rescue DS and drive/bad temperament ill-founded?
  • MAD requires spay/neuter within a 6mo window. I have never liked getting a dog 'fix' that young. Even AKC says 6mo is for toy breeds and large/giant breeds should be 12-18 months. Searching here I found a thread talking about age and sounds like for the most part folks here agree. I will not put a puppy into harms way and this is a concern. Keep in mind, I do want to get whatever dog I end up with fixed, just at the correct time that is best for the dogs health instead of a time that gets a box checked for paperwork. So, should I pass on a rescue pup if they insist on getting it fixed that young?
thanks for inputs,
Mika the Velcro dog at my feet
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Re: Rescue vs breeder for a DS

Post by centrop67 »

I have two dogs from MAD and I help with transport and evaluations when I can.

My latest from MAD will be 6 months old in January, and I will be reluctantly getting him fixed.

He is a Mal/GSD (with a small mix of other breeds). He started to become protective of me at an early age, but we are working on his manners - he is doing phenomenal.

Even puppies can have temperament issues if the parents weren't right to begin with, but if you start the right training young, you will have some success.

I think you're talking about the dogs from GA. The fosters who ill be receiving them will be doing evaluations and setting them up for success in their new homes.

Get your application in to MAD, so you can get involved in the conversation with them. If it's not one of those pups, there will probably be more down the road - it seems like they're getting s litter every other month.
Location - Cutler Bay, FL USA
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If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. - Will Rogers
Just Whelped
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plot of land. Currently we raise chickens and pigs with plans to add goats and maybe a cattle one day. I am w/o a dog right now and doing research before getting my next 'hired hand' :)

Re: Rescue vs breeder for a DS

Post by Joker »

Well that is food for thought and lines up with other reading I have done. Bad breeders breed bad offspring. So roll the dice and I might be ok, just as much as I might not be :)

This is the litter in Texas, I have no idea where in Texas. My daughter lives in San Antonio and I have to go to Dallas once a quarter so maybe not a big deal. I did fill out an app so we shall see what they say. Between your comments and if they hold fast to the 6mo spay/neuter maybe this is just signs I need to stick with a breeder.

Do not get me wrong, I understand MAD has to control reproduction otherwise the dogs will do what they do, no misgivings on my side. I am not going to fix a pup at 6mo. Long ago I blindly listened to other people and my vet, at that time, and got two cats de-clawed before doing research myself. To this day every time I see them try to scratch on the cat tree it is a reminder to me for doing my own research and following what, I believe, is right by the animal. That is all any of us can do right?
Mika the Velcro dog at my feet
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