The last several weeks it has been getting warmer and I am noticing a trend that I figured was puppyhood, and maybe it still is but I want to see how other duchies act. Basically when we go to have a burn energy session, well any time she is outside really, she does not focus on drinking water. I have water bowls I keep fresh by the chickens, the barn and my cabin so she has water and I have seen her drink from them all so she knows where they are. BUT, getting her to slow down and actually drink is a challenge. If I try to cup water in my hand she may lap a time or two but then is off running again. Always on the go. She LOVES playing with my Black Austorlorp rooster -- he does not love it but she will bow down yipping at him until he gives chase and she is in hog haven. She will do this until we move to a different area and I call her away, water not a focus.
When I take walks with her to the top pasture to play kick ball and let her run I carry a small bottle of water but she laser locks on the basketball we play with. Water is not in her mind at all. All this time she is panting up a storm and I am trying to slow her down. Aside from locking her in the house I am not sure how to get her to drink more. Play / work ranks higher than food / water.
Last night we had a longer work session cleaning fence line and Meka was "helping" me by dragging branches and even entire smaller trees around. Not where I wanted them but she was helping in her mind, I guess

As a side note the same thing occurs with potty time. Like now, we came in from our lunch walk / play / train session and were outside for almost an hour. Ten minutes later she needs to go out and potty again because she would not potty with all the "fun" going on. I am starting to use a leash when we first go out so she cannto run and play. After potty then she is allowed free. I have never had a dog rank biological needs lower than work and play